The Periclean age - Век Перикла
The Periclean age is called after Pericles, a famous Athenian statesman and military commander of the fifth century В. C. During the time of Pericles Athens became the leading state of Greece and the centre of Greek civilization. It was the time when many of the finest buildings of the Acropolis were built, when many celebrated philosophers and writers lived. The glory of ancient Greek literature is in the dramatic field of tragedy; and in this field there were three great Greeks: Aeschylus, Sophocles .and Euripides. Aeschylus wrote between seventy and ninety tragedies. Only seven have come down to us, among them Prometheus Bound and Seven against Thebes. Of Sophocles’ numerous trage* dies, also seven have been preserved; these are Antigone, Oedipus the King, etc. The best of the tragedies by Euripides are Medea, Iphigenia at Taurus, Electra. In the Periclean age Athens boasted of renowned thinkers, among whom was Socrates, a celebrated philosopher. Herodotes, a famous history writer, “ father of history’* was the author of the first Greek work to be written in prose. Phidias, the supreme sculptor of Greece, made a lot of huge statues. The two most famous are the figure of Zeus, father of the gods, set up in the temple of Olympia, and that of the goddess Athene, in the Parthenon. Both were in wood, covered with plates of gold and ivory.
Нескучное онлайн-обучение английскому языку с помощью игр и интересных заданий Присоединяйтесь к 23 миллионам пользователей Lingualeo1. Веком Перикла называют век расцвета литературы, науки и искусства. 2. Перикл был известным государственным деятелем и полководцем Афин в период их расцвета. 3. При Перикле в Афинах велось широкое строительство с участием виднейших архитекторов и художников Греции. 4. При нем был построен Парфенон и другие выдающиеся памятники архитектуры. 5. Афины превратились в экономический, политический и культурный центр греческого мира. 6. При Перикле создавали свои произведения выдающиеся драматурги: Эсхил, Софокл, Еврипид. 7. Их произведения частично дошли до нас. 8. П рославленный философ Сократ и «отец истории» Геродот также жили в эпоху Перикла. 9. Замечательный древнегреческий скульптор Фидий создал статуи Афины и Зевса. 10. Статуя богини Афины находилась в Парфеноне, а статуя Зевса — в храме Зевса в Олимпии. 11. Эти монументальные статуи не сохранились.